We buy/trade/consign Authentic Chanel, Hermes, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Goyard handbags, shoes, accessories. In addition, we also carry Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels fine jewelry and high end watches. We specialize in highly sought after and best selling styles in excellent, like-new, gently used, pristine or brand new condition.
Our consignment period of 90 days provides sellers with a reasonable timeframe to sell their items. If the item is sold within this period, we will send the payment using a bank transfer. However, if the item does not sell within the consignment period, sellers have the option to either extend the period or retrieve their item. We cover the shipping costs for both sending the item to us and returning it within the US and Canada. However, it is important to note that for international customers, shipping costs are not included in our offer.
Additionally, for certain items, we also offer a buyout option where payment will be sent once the item is received and authenticated.
If you are interested in trading your item, simply let us know which item you would like to trade it with, and we will work with our consignors.
VLuxeStyle will sell your authentic items on our Instagram, website, and other selling avenues.
After submitting your items for quote, we will send you the Sell/Trade/Consignment agreement with complimentary insured shipping label within US & Canada